Book {{search_param.insurance_name}} {{search_param.exam_title}} Near Me in {{selected_location}}

When To Test


Reviewed and verified by: A Board-Certified provider, Medical Offices of Manhattan, PLLC, New York, NY.

The information on this page and throughout the LabFinder website and mobile app is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to serve as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. For personalized medical advice or specific health concerns, please consult your healthcare provider directly.

Insurances accepted

{{insuranceList[key].name}} and more...
Emyty Insurances
Information not available

Service and payment options


Insurance is accepted as payment for visits and services at this center.

View accepted plans


Testing centers accept payment without insurance. For more details, call the testing center you plan to visit directly.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • {{exam_data.answers_set[index]}}

  • Can I book a {{exam_data.exam_title}} near me?

    Booking a {{exam_data.exam_title}} is easy using LabFinder. Just choose your location and enter your insurance information to find the closest {{exam_data.exam_title}} near you.

  • How can I make a same-day appointment for a {{exam_data.exam_title}}?

    To make a same day appointment for a {{exam_data.exam_title}}, just choose your location and your insurance information to find the closest {{exam_data.exam_title}} location near you. If there's availability for a same-day appointment at a nearby lab location, then you will be able to book it easily through LabFinder.

  • Where can I schedule a {{exam_data.exam_title}}?

    LabFinder allows you to easily schedule a {{exam_data.exam_title}}. You can search by location and insurance to easily book a {{exam_data.exam_title}} near you.

  • Can I make an appointment for {{exam_data.exam_title}} online?

    LabFinder allows you to easily make an appointment for a {{exam_data.exam_title}} online. To make an appointment for a {{exam_data.exam_title}} online, just choose your location and your insurance information to find the closest {{exam_data.exam_title}} near you.

  • Can I get a {{exam_data.exam_title}} without insurance?

    Yes, you can get a {{exam_data.exam_title}} without insurance. LabFinder allows you to search and select "Self-Pay" when booking a {{exam_data.exam_title}}. While pricing for the test may not be immediately available, please check by calling the lab company directly for pricing.

Book {{search_param.insurance_name}} {{search_param.exam_title}} Near Me in {{selected_location}}

Book an appointment {{search_results.num_of_locations}} locations in your area

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No locations present at this search result


{{loc.distance}} mil
{{loc.distance}} mil {{loc.street}} {{}} {{loc.state}},{{loc.zipcode}} Self-pay Estimate: {{loc.exam_price}}
Request an appointment
This center is outside of the LabFinder network. We can still request an appointment for you, which you can manage through your LabFinder account.
Touchstone Imaging exams include, but are not limited to the following:
Touchstone Imaging accepts most major insurances including, but not limited to the following: