Carnegie Hill Radiology PLLC

Advanced Cardiovascular Imaging is a private practice on Manhattan?s Upper East Side. They are ACR accredited and have the latest MRI and CT equipment. Their CT scanner is the 160-slice Aquilion PRIME. It has Toshiba's AIDR 3D which decreases radiation dose by 75%. It is the second system installed in the U.S.A. Their MRI scanner is the General Electric's Discovery 750w 3.0T. It has a wider bore that gives patients 50% more room in front of the face. It is GE's first system in Manhattan. Their Physicians are Board Certified radiologists who are also certified in ACLS. They are present for all imaging studies that require an injection.

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This center accepts payment without insurance. Self-pay prices include an office visit charge unless noted. For more details, call the center directly.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I schedule an appointment with Carnegie Hill Radiology PLLC near me?
  • How can I make a same-day appointment at Carnegie Hill Radiology PLLC ?
  • Can I book an appointment with Carnegie Hill Radiology PLLC online?
  • Does Carnegie Hill Radiology PLLC accept my insurance?
  • Can I get a test with Carnegie Hill Radiology PLLC without insurance?

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