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{{item.distance}} mil {{item.street}} {{}} {{item.state}} {{item.zipcode}}
  • Accepts MinuteMed
  • Quickest turnaround
  • In-network • {{search_param.insurance_name}}

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{{date_item.mon}} {{}}

{{item.post_title}} is not a verified location

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appointment or to ask any questions

or book a center nearby

NR Lab Logo NR Company Logo


{{nr_nearby_lab.distance}} mil {{nr_nearby_lab.street}} {{}} {{nr_nearby_lab.state}} {{nr_nearby_lab.zipcode}}
{{nr_nearby_lab.ratings}} ({{nr_nearby_lab.total_rating}})

Map & directions

Center hours

  • {{}}
Emyty Hours
Information not available

Insurances accepted

{{insuranceList[key].name}} and more...
Emyty Insurances
Information not available

Service and payment options


Insurance is accepted as payment for visits and services at this center.

View accepted plans


This center accepts payment without insurance. Self-pay prices include an office visit charge unless noted. For more details, call the center directly.

Self-Pay Estimate

Know what you'll pay ahead of time

What is self-pay estimate?

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Ratings & feedback


Overall Rating

{{reviews.lab_total_rating}} Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How can I schedule an appointment with {{item.post_title}} near me?

    Booking an appointment with {{item.post_title}} is easy using LabFinder. Just choose your location, the test you'd like to book, and enter the date and your insurance information to find the closest {{item.post_title}} location near you with available times.

  • How can I make a same-day appointment at {{item.post_title}} ?

    To make a same day appointment with {{item.post_title}}, just choose your location, the test you'd like to book, and enter the date and your insurance information to find the closest {{item.post_title}} location near you. If there's availability for a same-day appointment at {{item.post_title}}, then you will be able to book it easily through LabFinder.

  • Where is {{item.post_title}} located?

    {{item.post_title}} is located at {{item.street}} {{}} {{item.state}} {{item.zipcode}}. You can use LabFinder to search and find a Enzo Labs location near you.

  • Can I book an appointment with {{item.post_title}} online?

    LabFinder allows you to easily make an appointment with {{item.post_title}} online. To make an appointment with {{item.post_title}} online, just choose your location, the test you'd like to book, and enter the date and your insurance information to find the closest {{item.post_title}} location near you with available times.

  • Does {{item.post_title}} accept my insurance?

    To see if {{item.post_title}} accepts your insurance, when you search using LabFinder, enter your insurance plan to see if they accept it or not. If your insurance is not found in the list of carriers, please check by calling {{item.post_title}} directly.

  • Can I get a test with {{item.post_title}} without insurance?

    Yes, you can get a test with {{item.post_title}} without insurance. LabFinder allows you to search and select "Self-Pay" when searching for a test. While pricing for the test may not be immediately available, please check by calling {{item.post_title}} directly for pricing.

Book an appointment

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{{date_item.mon}} {{}}

{{item.post_title}} is not a verified location

Call to book an appointment

or book a center nearby

NR Lab Logo NR Company Logo


{{nr_nearby_lab.distance}} mil {{nr_nearby_lab.street}} {{}} {{nr_nearby_lab.state}} {{nr_nearby_lab.zipcode}}
{{nr_nearby_lab.ratings}} ({{nr_nearby_lab.total_rating}})

Self-pay testing

Additional pricing details are coming soon.
